Monday, January 12, 2009

Week 1 Weigh-in!

I stepped on the scale this morning. 5 times. I had to confirm what it was telling me.... and I am still sceptical.

348.0 lbs

That means I lost 8.8 pounds. In one week. Just by changing my diet.


Let me just say that I have NOT been starving myself, because I want to be healthy about this, although I have stayed away from the afternoon snacks I usually find around the office ( people ALWAYS have candy on their desks ), and just grabbed a bottle of water when I was hungry.

I can't beleive this. This is really making me excited though, and helping me to set my mind for the months ahead.

Thank you to EVERYONE who is supporting me!!! Keep coming back PLEASE - I NEED all of you!

Until then,


  1. Great news Scott!
    Also, not sure what you have involved in the diet... but one suggestion is to drink plenty of water. It does wonders for the body in many ways we often overlook, but it is a major tool in weight loss.

    So, drink more water and keep up the good work!


  2. Also, anything high in sodium is bad, as it forces your body to retain fluids.

  3. Good luck Scott! Sometimes I think if I started a blog about my own health goals it would make me feel more accountable. I will be watching for you!

    Tara C
