Monday, January 26, 2009

Week 3 Weigh-in!

It is that time of week again.... time to weigh-in.

Stats for today:

342.4 lbs

3.4 lbs lost.

Doing better. Trying to stick to it.

Still not walking, Work has been keeping me busy, but that is just an excuse.....

Thank you again for your support.

Until then,


  1. Scott, congrats and I commend you for making this healthy choice. The walking/exercise is always a tricky element, and takes some creative thinking to get it in. Early morning usually can work good, if you have the discipline to NOT hit the snooze button. I've just started walking during my lunch hour. That means I literally eat my sandwich and fruit while I'm out hoofing for 30-40 minutes.
    Evening walks can be great, especially if you do it as a family. The kids can ride their bikes while you and Amy walk. Make it a family health event!
    Good luck my friend.

  2. wow! 15 pounds... in 3 weeks!!! that is really amazing. keep it up!
